5 Day Plan On How To Get Your Girlfriend Back

If you are reading this than you have carefully thought it through and in-spite of the harsh break-up, the drama and the demeaning exchange of words you have decided that you want your ex back and you are willing to do anything to secure that relationship. This means that you will longer sit around and wait for fate to bring you back together or for cupids rusty arrows to find the back of their neck. This means you are going in with all the arsenals you know and possess and you will not relent until you have achieved victory.

By now your ex is somewhere between confused and trying to put up a strong personality in order not to feel pathetic, trying to hang out more with friends in order to shake off the effect, she won’t see this coming. Initiate the 5 day plan on how to get your ex girlfriend back.

DAY 1: Reopen communications

Your quest is going to be a lot easier if you and your ex-girlfriend are on talking terms. Call and discuss random details, make a few attempts to lighten the mood by cracking a few jokes. Once she is comfortably laughing at your jokes and having a great conversation with you then you have scored for day one.

DAY 2: Seek her opinion on Official or private issues.

Everyone knows people only seek the opinion of those you trust or care about. She would feel special, being put on spot light to render her advice on something that really matters to you.

DAY 3: Know her Schedule

This would help you surprise her. Pop up at places where she least expects to see you. This would make you seem adventurous, mysterious, and sneaky.  Women love a good surprise.

DAY 4: Buy her Gifts

Appreciate her by buying nice gifts or really useful gifts. Make a list of things she really needs and surprise her with them.

Day 5: Take her on a date

This is the final stage and most important, find an upcoming event that she is really into. Offer to take her to the event. When that day comes, show her the best date of her life and you might go home with more than just a kiss. Happy Hunting!