Indian Motorcycle Trading Company: Things To Know

If you are looking for used harleys for sale that are still in tip-top shape, then one of the best shops to look for one is the American Motorcycle Trading Company. It’s a tough job nowadays looking for one, and the said trading company lets you do it in a way that’s really easy, no flowery words from the one who wishes to sell, no false advertising that could cause you to get you in trouble with your unit later on. Let’s find out a little bit more about this particular company.

The Basics

With the business having a total area for just 6,000 sq. ft. in its early years roughly 20 years back, it has become one of the hubs for motorcycles in Texas, with their new facility now being more than 40,000 square feet. All of this was made possible, thanks to quality relationships and connections with people that they have managed to establish through the years. Currently, they are based in Bedford, Texas.

What makes them stand out?

Through the years, they have sold and bought a large number of motorcycles already. Their dealer principal is one of the most seasoned out there, with nearly 30 years of experience in the automotive industry. They get their motors from those who take motors as trade-ins. To make their resources bigger in number, they also get from individuals as well.

Just how good is the quality of their motors?

Each motorcycle is carefully inspected in several phases. They have a set of technicians who evaluate the bike presented to them, and do the so-called “pre-buy inspection”. The PDI, or pre-delivery inspection follows, which is a set of 32 point checks for both mechanical and electrical properties of the motor. This ensures that only the best motors make it through the market.