However, you should know a few things about “Pokémon Go” accounts before we begin. First, each Pokémon Go accounts must be linked to a separate Gmail address or Pokemon Trainer Club account; you cannot use the same email address or trainer club account for two different accounts. However, given how simple it is to create new email accounts, you could theoretically have a limitless number of “Pokemon Go” accounts – all you’d have to do is make sure you can keep track of all your login information.
Can you switch Pokemon Go accounts?
Yes, you may move between two accounts easily. The saved data will be from the account with which you are now logged in. The only way this might go wrong is if you abuse one of them, but that always goes wrong. It doesn’t have to be a Google and a Trainer account; if you wish, it may just be two Google accounts.
By attaching to a Nintendo Account that is also linked to the chosen Pokémon HOME account, you can choose which Pokémon HOME account you want to transfer Pokémon to in Pokémon GO.
Once you’ve linked Pokémon GO to a Nintendo Account linked to a Pokémon HOME account, you can unlink from that Nintendo Account and link to a new Nintendo Account at any time, allowing you to change which Pokémon HOME account you’ll transfer to.
There isn’t a simple way to switch between different accounts – that is, you can’t switch without first signing out of one and then logging back in. The good news is that it’s really simple to do nonetheless, so don’t worry if it takes you an extra 10 seconds to switch accounts. You should now be signed in to your other Pokémon go accounts if you performed these five steps successfully.