Promoting Your Facebook Page –How?

So you’ve built your page, what’s the next step? It has no followers. Right now, it’s like an advert that’s hidden somewhere – very ineffective. Here are a few of my top tips to get you publicity.

  • A Fantastic Page – In advertising, there is an idea that says “You can have the best adverts in the world but if your product is terrible, nobody will buy it” and this is true of your Facebook Page. If people see a terrible page, they will think your business is terrible and leave quickly. Make it really engaging and keep on telling the visitor what’s in it for them and you’ll have tons of followers.
  • Link On Other Pages – Specifically, you should put your link on the wall of other pages that are similar to your business. Let us say that you run a computer software business, you might put the link of your page on the wall of Microsoft. A select few people will see this link and click it, coming to your site. You know that they are targeted because they were on a software page. Hopefully some of these will turn into customers in the long-term too. Be careful with this though as you don’t want to be seen as spam.
  • Interact – When you get more and more subscribers, people will start leaving comments on your page. Interact with them and answer queries that they may have. This gives a great personal human touch that is missing from many Internet-based marketing efforts today. Also, encourage commenting because when someone comments, it is put onto their News Feed to be seen by their friends who are also potential customers. This is how Facebook Pages go viral in such a short period of time.
  • Pull In Current Subscribers – What networks do you already have within your business that you can leverage here? Do you have Twitter followers, a blog, a website? Put a link on your website/blog and tell your Twitter followers about your Facebook page as these are the most targeted customers and it takes no time.
  • Make it Public – Your Facebook Pages standard out-of-the-box setting is public so that is can get indexed by the major search engines like Google and Bing. If you notice that yours is not showing then it is definitely worth looking into because these sources provide a lot of your traffic. Fix this by going to ‘edit page’ then ‘settings’ then set your page for public visibility.

• Facebook Ads – This is perhaps only for getting an initial push or those serious about using Facebook for marketing with experience. Facebook Ads cost but can help give your Page the kick-start that it needs. This is very similar to Google Adwords except you can target much deeper than with Adwords. You can target based on what else they’ve liked, their age, gender etc. In some ways, you can target to the perfect customer. This is a more advanced technique and should be used with caution for those that aren’t experienced with internet advertising. Read More Here at the official site to know about the purchase of the likes and comments. The Internet Advertising will deliver plenty of benefits to the people to have the best results. The selection of the right technique is done to have the increase in sale.