Things you need to know about Insulated Piercing Connectors

When it comes to installation and maintenance of electrical systems, there are several things which has to be prepared and made use of by companies. This is to ensure that the distribution of electricity to home, from the main branches and/or posts are as fair and even as it can be. The reason why this has to be done is simply because improper devices for use could pretty much result to household appliance damage. If you’re on the lookout for quality connectors, abc accessories has a wide array of connectors and accessories that electrical companies could make use of.

What Makes a Good Insulated Piercing Connector?

Weatherproof, Hard Materials

You have to make sure that the insulation piercing connectors that are use are weatherproof and hard. In other words, it is able to withstand even the toughest conditions and the harshest weather, given that a lot of these systems that use connectors are situated outdoors.

Teeth are Made of Aluminum

The reason why the teeth have to be made of Aluminum is because these are tough metals yet are extremely lightweight in comparison to other metals. The shape that could be made with aluminum also prevents water from getting in the conductor, and thus would serve a dual purpose of being a connector, at the same time, protector from corrosion caused by natural circumstances.

Insulation is Made of Thermoplastic

Not just any kind of plastic, but UV-resistant thermoplastic. This is because the sun’s rays could damage a lot of plastic insulations by morphing them or burning them. This is definitely something you would want to avoid. To make sure that your insulated piercing connector is made of quality materials, always be on the lookout for those of the abc brand of accessories.

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