Sound sleepers have a very difficult time waking up. An elephant could literally run through, and someone that sleeps very soundly will not hear the commotion or feel the massive vibrations. They need extra help when trying to wake up, especially when they must be on time. A person that cannot seem to wake up on time risks losing jobs, an education and even friends. They must take extra steps to awaken when necessary, and they have to learn to do it all on their own.
My seventeen year old son is one of countless sound sleepers. I have raised my voice and even physically pushed him from one side to the next to try and wake him up on time. He sometimes responds, but he does not usually get up right away. He has unknowingly responded in a rude matter on more than one occasion. I had to find a way to get him to wake up on time and on his own, especially since I will not always be around to nudge him out of bed. At the link, natural ways for increasing the testosterone are provided. The ingredients will be herbal and natural to reduce the side-effects of the pills for both men and women.
Buy an Extra Loud Alarm Clock
Ordinary alarm clocks are not ideal for sound sleepers. Buy an alarm clock that produces 120 decibels of repetitive noise. If this does not wake sound sleepers on their own, nothing will. I purchased a 120 decibel alarm clock for my son, but I had to take an extra step to make sure that he actually got out of bed. I knew that he would still not wake up on time when left on his own.
Place the Alarm Clock on the Other Side of the Bedroom
My son has a habit of turning off the alarm clock in his sleep. He ends up falling back asleep. Sound sleepers often do and say things subconsciously. I had to place his extra loud alarm clock on the other side of the bedroom. It would force him to get up and walk across the room. If one clock did not do the trick, I was prepared to buy two alarm clocks. He had to wake up on time for work, and I was tired of the verbal abuse.
Make them Responsible for Getting Up on Time
Even sound sleepers can get up on time, and they can do it without the help of another person. Those that claim they are sound sleepers and cannot get up on their own usually do not have to. They have friends and family members to do the work, and they never try to get up on their own.
When trying to help sound sleepers get up on time, buy at least one very loud alarm clock. Sound sleepers should not rely on a cell phone or an ordinary alarm clock. They should not rely on others either. Do not be an enabler. Make sound sleepers responsible for waking up on their own and on time or they will never do it without help.