Christian Capozzoli is one of the top improvisers all over the world, and he has gained tons of respect from various legendary comedians and improvisers as well. Thanks to his natural improv skills and his view towards such technique, he has continuously improved and perfected the art and sciences of improv on his style.
How Christian Capozzoli Looks at Improv
Improvisation or improv is the act of performing spontaneously, without any preparations or even scripts beforehand. The improviser naturally takes inspiration from any stuff that he could deliver efficiently that are present on the spot. This could be difficult especially in the act of delivering the performance, since one should act spontaneously and think as fast as possible.
Christian Capozzoli has mastered such technique and successfully incorporates it on his performances. This is because of his perception towards improv, which help him to improve on such style. Mister Capozzoli view improv as something that is not only done on stage, but something that anyone could practice on usual daily situations. Life is on-the-spot after all, and you do not have any preparations or scripts as you face it.
When you already get used with improv naturally, it can definitely add to the weight of your delivery while performing on stage. A Styrofoam peanut will not reach far when you throw it away, but it can certainly go a farther point when you tie it on a rock. This means that you can make your improv act more effective when you will add more weight on it.
Those are just few of the views and tips that you can learn from Christian Capozzoli on improving your improv skills. You can watch him perform to learn more, or buy a copy of the improv manual book that he has published, the “Aerodynamics of Yes”.