What are anabolic steroids used for?

To those who are into fitness, one of the terms that you might have come across in your search for supplements for a more healthy living, or at least, a good-looking, well-sculpted body is steroids. Anabolic steroids, to be exact. As a matter of fact, winstrol pillole are popular in countries that sell them, as they are believed to be the best brand out of all the ones you can get. While it is touted to help to contribute to what is mentioned above, it also has its fair share of side effects that one has to be wary of. This article aims to explore on what are the other uses of anabolic steroids, and why they really shouldn’t be vilified.

For a better-looking body

In the case of Winstrol, the reason why this brand of steroids is popular is because it does not convert into estrogen after, which would cause a drastic decrease in muscle mass and cause fat growth in other areas of the body. Body builders who make use of steroids reap the benefits of their hard work much faster, hence making it a good supplement.

For Hormone Therapies

Another use of anabolic steroids are for those who have problems with their testosterone levels, where the level of male hormones become low. Because of this, it can also be used for hormonal replacement therapy for female to male transitioning, as it helps muscles get more masculine volumes.

For Treatment of HIV/AIDS, Cancer

Anabolic steroids are used as “last resort” medications for HIV/AIDS to help slow down weight loss. It can also be used to treat certain cancers and osteoporosis, but are only used when all other drugs used with hopes of curing the cancer have failed to work. In these uses, a doctor’s prescription must be availed of, otherwise it would be considered illegal.